Brown Songlark

Brown Songlark

Quick Facts

Length: 21 cm
Height: -
Weight: -
Colour: Dusky brown back, pale brown-white underparts, centre of belly dark brown
Habitat: Open country, pastures, short crops and grassy scrub
Food: seeds and insects
Predators: -
Status: Not Present in Tasmania. Secure in all other states and territories of Australia
Brown Songlark

The Brown Songlark is remarkable for the male being much larger (23-25 cm) than the female (18-19 cm). In breeding plumage the male is dark cinnamon-brown with black bill and black eyes. Otherwise the male and female both have a dusky brown back, pale brownish-white underparts, with the centre of the belly dark brown. The Brown Songlark is also known as the Australian Songlark.

The female Brown Songlark could be mistaken for the Rufous Songlark, female White-winged Triller, Skylark, or Richard's Pipit. Brown Songlarks are much larger than the Rufous Songlark and lack the rufous rump.

The Brown Songlark is found all over mainland Australia except for parts of the far north. It is more abundant in the south, but numbers fluctuate locally depending on rainfall.

The Brown Songlark is found in open country, including pastures, short crops, and grassy scrub.

The Brown Songlark is very nomadic, moving from drought-affected areas to areas of recent rainfall.

The Brown Songlark feeds on seeds and insects.

The nest of the Brown Songlark is in a small depression in the ground, often in a clump of grass or other cover. The female incubates the eggs and rears the young.

Like the Rufous Songlark, the Brown Songlark includes farm paddocks in its territory. Birds are occasionally killed by vehicles on roads.

Author: Rosalyn Plunkett
Last Updated: Wednesday 17th July, 2013


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